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*** PIAS ***


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*** Pasai Institute for Advanced Study (PIAS) is "a private-public international institution, networking and scientific society for basic theoretical research in various areas of science focusing on interdisciplinary research", initiated in UNESCO World Heritage Upper Middle Rhine ("Loreley Valley"), based on the universal visionary "insan kamil" (perfect humanity) principles developed in the former historical area of Pasai, Sumatra. As a superstructure for basic research, PIAS brings together theorists from the relevant disciplines, such as social sciences, natural sciences and transdisciplinary sciences, while at the same time bundling research activities around the present Lhokseumawe industrial zone, or at the Malikussaleh University Campus area or the former Arun NGL Complex Area and the neighboring partnership research networking centers, especially around the Austronesian area.
Scientists from PIAS in diaspora, Malikussaleh University and the International Consortium of relevant research networks join forces to educate selected graduate students or talented personalities around the world.
The comprehensive motto of PIAS is: "SEDES SCIENTIAE AD SAPIENTIAM, DOCTRINA PERPETUA ("Seat of knowledge for wisdom, forever learning") refered to a Pasai philosophical legacy of "Insan Kamil" (Perfect Humanity) and to the understanding of medieval secret manuscript: | 'Guide its people into the religion of peace. Let them recite the words of the profession of faith. For in that city shall God raise up saints in great number.' (The Prophet, in: Pasai Chronicles) |.
As its name suggests, this Institute was founded modeled on IAS (Institute for Advanced Study) in Princeton, New Jersey (USA), PIAS organized with central headquarters and several representatives in diaspora as an ambitious independent scientific institution with selected academic affiliations (excellence universities & research academies) and funded initially by an international consortium for a novel global educational cooperation project.
For the first period, PIAS promoted several schools in the Institute: Technical & Natural Sciences, History & Economy. More schools will be opened for evaluation.
Initiated by: Phenomenologist, philologist, polemologist, economist and polyhistor MAI DAR (Marburg) & Team in Diaspora (2015)

For Input & Enquiries per Fax: +49-3222-6498195
Founding networking period: 2015-2017


Advisory Board:
(see website)
Expert Panel:
(see website)
(see website)
(see website)
Administrative Managers and Official Staffs:
(see website)

Headquarters & Representatives:
(see website)
Academic Affiliations:
Unimal, Unsyiah, etc.
(More academic networkings in negotiation)

1. ID-SS (International Diaspora - Summer School), initiated on August 30th, 2015;
2. LV-DC (Loreley Valley - Diaspora College), initiated on August 30th, 2016.